Unlocking Your Matrix 🌌

Redefine Your Reality, Redesign Your Life

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to unlock limitless potential while others feel stuck?

The secret lies in their Matrix

“a personal framework that shapes how they see and interact with the world.”

Let’s explore how your matrix works, what influences it and how to reshape it in search of growth and success.


Your matrix is the mental and emotional filter through which you experience life, like a personal operating system.

Formed by your:

  • Beliefs: the ideas you hold about yourself, others and the world.

  • Values: what you prioritize or deem important.

  • Experiences: success, failures, moments that shape your self-image/perception.

  • Environment: the people, places, culture around you.

  • Inputs: the media you consume, conversations you engage in, thoughts you entertain.

Your matrix doesn’t always reflect reality—it reflects your interpretation of reality. Often, self-imposed limits stem from outdated beliefs, fears or failures.

For example:

  • Perception: “I’m not smart enough to achieve that goal.”

  • Reality: You can develop new skills and overcome challenges if you choose to believe in your ability to grow.

To open your mind:

  • Question Your Limits: Are they real or are they assumptions?

  • Seek New Perspectives: Surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you.

  • Adopt a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow rather than threats to your comfort.

Here are practical steps to begin reshaping your matrix:

1) Audit your inputs: Identify and eliminate negative influences- relationships, media etc.

- I try to be extremely conscious on what I listen to, focusing on uplifting educational podcasts from individuals already doing what I dream of doing. And reading empowering books that focus on personal development and inspiring others.

2) Reframe your beliefs: write down a limiting belief you hold and counter it with an empowering statement.

- Writing was never my forte growing up but my experiences taught me powerful lessons that fueled a passion to inspire others, so here we are.

3) Visualize the change you seek: Spend a few minutes daily in a quiet space visualizing yourself living without the beliefs, fears, and limitations currently holding you back. The more sensory details you include, the more real the visualization feels.
- Picture yourself succeeding in the areas you wish to grow: new career, relationship, health etc.
- See your surrounds: where are you? What’s happening? Who’s there with you?
- Feel the emotions: what does confidence, joy, or success feel like for you?

- I meditate 1-2x a day for 10-20 minutes to reset and slow down time. My morning meditation sets the tone for the day- often focused on gratitude and intention. My night meditation focuses on manifesting my dreams of tomorrow.

I challenge you to implement and practice these small steps daily and you’ll be amazed at what a powerful habit you just created.

When you challenge and expand your matrix, you unlock:

  • Greater Confidence: Believing in your potential fuels action and resilience.

  • New Opportunities: Seeing beyond self-imposed limits reveals paths you never considered.

  • Personal Growth: Stretching your beliefs transforms not just your actions, but your identity.

Until next week…if you haven’t done so already:

Join our Facebook group and be part of the movement of encouraging, inspiring and motivating others which is what the Mindset Money Matters brand is all about:

Encouraging others to:

  • Seek more → what fuels your passion

  • Challenge your mindset and look at things in a different perspective

  • Learn from each others experiences and be humble because we never know what someone else is going through

  • Uplift and want more from not only ourselves but those around us

If that aligns with you, I invite you to be a part of this movement and share it with whomever you think may also be interested.


Thank you in advance 🤝

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